Sunday, March 1, 2015

Life's Journey holds un-ending possibilities.

Hi friends! I had a quiet and refreshing week, revisiting my studies on Investment in Excellence and strengthening my knowledge on human beings, reaching their full potential. I also tried a few new ways to meditate and absorbing what I re-learn and refresh about my favorite subject: pursuing our passions and keeping healthy and youthful during our journey, called LIFE.

One of the most interesting things I have re-discovered, is that most of our thoughts, dreams, habits and actions must become REAL in our subconscious first, before our conscious minds believe it. And then it is a matter of creative application of our beliefs to make it visible and tangible.

I also embraced, once again, that I have to step out out of comfort zones and be willing to be vulnerable! Not easy. So, my willingness provided me with an opportunity - and wow - I simply had to show my vulnerability.  Since that happening, I know I have grown in self-confidence and self-worth! I feel more REAL!

My other 'new' discovery was that my biggest OBSTACLE was what I already know!  Keeping an open mind and allowing the newer discoveries to sink in, right into my subconscious, demanded quiet meditation and acceptance. I practced my breathing techniques again, and must say, I feel so good.

I will definitely continue to write about EXCELLENCE and what it takes to be an excellent pilgrim in this journey called LIFE.

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