Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The courage to be a delightful person

Courage refers to a ‘push from inside you’. Although I have never liked definitions of words, I do believe and experience that courage is a word without boundaries. However, to leap into the future, and getting creatively involved in a much more fulfilling life, you need courage. I have developed my courage through belief: a belief in my heart that something can be done and something can happen.
That something has to be specific!

Today I am focusing on being a delightful woman – I’m talking about being happy and joyful, in the face of adversity and obstacles. So firstly, know that no other person or event is responsible for your happiness or being a delightful person.  Your first victory will come when you decide to take the responsibility for finding happiness and living life in delightful ways.
Do you know how the world needs more delightful people?

It takes courage today to be delightful. It may even mean that not everybody will like you! They may be very jealous and try their uttermost best to take your joy away! But remember – the world needs more delightful people!

I would love you to understand that this attitude calls for mental changes, emotional changes, creative changes and a host of other changes, where you are the author and designer of the outcomes. And this again, calls for courage! Believe me, just too many people are great at exploring the outer world, but very poor at exploring their own inner space – there where wisdom, peace and vitality dwell in abundance. A person can only make it his own, if he uses his/her mind and heart, and yes, the body’s wisdom!

Has it ever occurred to you that God wants you to be happy? He delights in you when you are a lovely ‘fragrance’ in your environment and my experience is that He showers me with blessings when I radiate His goodness to those around me.

And here is the ‘but’ in the story: ‘You have to use your mind and heart to really, really reap the rewards of what courage can do for you. I am adamant in saying: ‘Please upgrade the way you think about yourself.

Please upgrade the way you feel about yourself, and please have another look at how wonderfully you are made, and realize that happiness, joy and being delightful is possible when you apply courage!’

Looking to your future, you have to believe that you are equipped to do and be whatever you want to do and be. Songs are being written about happiness. Articles by the thousands are published about it, but not enough about being delightful.

Once you decide that you would like to be courageous enough to be a delightful person, real physical changes will take place in your body. Your brain will provide you with ideas, your heart will inspire you with wonderful feelings and your body’s wisdom will demonstrate to you all kinds of fabulous messages!
Here we go!
You are not alone. You have your fellow pilgrims in this journey, believing with you and wishing you loads of delight and fulfilment every day!

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